Escaping The Matrix: Don't Feed the Fear


About a year and a half ago, I went off to Costa Rica to partake in several nights of Ayahuasca ceremonies as part of my healing journey. I go into detail about my experience in an article called Ayahuasca scared the living sh*t out of me, and then healed me in her own unique way, which I wrote fairly soon after the experience while it was fresh in my mind. To give you the cliff notes, the climax of the experience was that on my third night of ceremonies, I had an overwhelming feeling of being trapped. The best way I could describe it back then was that I was in a matrix and instead of being blinded by the veil of it, it was as if I woke up within it and I felt like I was the only one who realized what was going on. I knew I had to escape - whatever it took - I needed to escape. I was filled with paranoia and fear. I felt that my captors were evil and I was afraid that because I was aware of what was going on, I was in danger. I was so consumed with fear about what I experienced that I backed out of the final night of ceremony. As I sat in my room that evening while the rest of the members were starting their ceremony, I was fearful that they were going to come marching down the pathway with torches blazing and force me to participate. It was one of the most horrifying experiences of my life.

I have mulled it over a lot since then. What was it? Why did I experience this? Ayahuasca is not supposed to induce paranoia. It can take you to dark places, but not like that. The more I wake up and see this web of reality I am living in, I realize that Ayahuasca showed me THE Matrix. You know, like the one in the movie where humans are asleep living in a simulation? Yeah, that’s the one. We have all been asleep. But the good news is, we are waking up and more and more people are choosing to take the “red pill.”  

As we sit here in Season Two of Lockdown in the Bahamas, I am realizing that there is a source of power that wants us to live in fear. “They” seem to have more control when we live in fear. Against rationale, people in the Bahamas are locked away in their houses, even on islands with no confirmed cases. I can’t seem to understand it. And to make matters worse, my greatest fear that Ayahuasca showed to me on that fateful night (the fear of being trapped and controlled) is now my reality.

My understanding is that the chaos and upheaval that we are experiencing in the world right now is seemingly happening because people are waking up to the veil of this matrix. As people wake up, the control gets tighter. They don’t want to lose power.

But who are “they”? Who is this source of power? Our prime minister or president? No. It’s bigger than that.

I’ve been trying to understand it for a long time, but if you haven’t thought about this at all, it can sound downright weird. However, I’ve been watching some interesting shows lately, so I’m going to do my best to share some thoughts with the hope that it might inspire you to do your own research.

On one show I watched, the host discusses the structure of our reality by using the analogy of a spiderweb. In the center of the web is the spider; the core consciousness that drives humanity. Outwards from there are levels of other groups and organizations that control aspects of this world we live in.

I don’t need to get into details about who or what this consciousness is, so I’ll just provide an analogy that made sense to me, and I’ll let you do the investigating for yourself. Imagine that a company represents our reality and is shaped like a pyramid. At the top, the CEO, CFO, and other key players know what’s going on with the company, all its dirty little secrets, connections with outside entities, etc. As you trickle down, there are general managers, advisors, supervisors, security guards, employees, and janitors. Think about all of these levels of the company that have a very limited perspective about the company’s actual agenda, they only know what’s going on in their little bubble within the whole. The general manager gets a directive from his superiors about how he or she should control operations. He or she has a better understanding of what’s going on than the employees, but not as much as the CEO. The employees are just happy to get a paycheck on Friday, health insurance benefits and a relative sense of stability, while being able to take their kids to the beach on the weekend, so they can’t be bothered to investigate the fact that the CEO just signed a deal to combine forces with a major competitor. The security guard is tasked with implementing law and order, but doesn’t really have the authority to use his discretion, and maybe doesn’t even understand why he has to enforce oftentimes nonsensical rules.

So think about this in our society. Imagine a few people at the very top, pulling the puppet strings of those below them who are then driving the masses, but all in all, keeping the masses in the dark about what’s really going on. We’ve been content in the First World because we pretty much have our needs covered. We have been satisfied enough to settle for this reality. But when our way of life starts to become unsettled, when we start to “see” the things they have been hiding from us…that’s where we start to experience chaos and disorder, and the destruction of The Matrix from the inside.

Anyways, I realize now, this is what I saw. We are in a matrix, but most of us haven’t been aware of it. We have been controlled by our media, our governments, and mega-corporations, and now that a lot of people are waking up to that, we are being censored, and we are being silenced. People are being called conspiracy theorists and are instantly invalidated whenever they question the agenda. And with so much information floating around right now, many of us don’t even know what to believe anymore!

But no matter what side you follow or what you believe is truth, most of the information that floats across your radar is filled with fear, and fear makes us immobile. Fear tells us that we and our loved ones are going to die from a virus. Fear tells us to stay indoors instead of standing up for basic constitutional rights. We continue to trust that our governments are going to protect us, but look at our economy failing, look at our small businesses disappearing left and right. How are we going to survive this one? We are so fearful of losing lives that we end up giving away our rights to live.  And that’s what “they” want. When people are living in fear, they are much easier to control. If they didn’t want us living in fear, our news would be filled with more reassurance and positivity.

Do you believe you are free? That’s up to you to decide. The whole point of this is that I want to ask a favor from you. I don’t want you to listen to me, and my views, or see the world through my eyes. I’m asking you to start using your critical thinking skills. Don’t blindly believe everything you read or see. Start listening to your heart. Remember there is no fear in your heart, the fear is all in your mind.

Realize too that we are all living different perspectives of this reality, and none of us are wrong! We may be at different stages of our journey or taking completely different paths. There are people that believe the earth is flat, and people that believe it’s round. There are people that feel better being vegan and people that need meat in their diet. There are athiests, and nihilists, and people that believe in reincarnation, and people who believe in heaven and hell. Really and truly, no one is wrong because we all create our own reality, and if you believe in one particular reality, then it’s true for you. That’s why it’s so moot arguing about perspectives with what’s going on in the world. We need to stop pointing fingers at our brothers and sisters and instead, come together, work together, create together.

So how do we escape the Matrix?

We don’t feed the fear.

I know, without a doubt now, that Ayahuasca was preparing me for this. Ayahuasca showed me The Matrix but I didn’t understand it then. It terrified me, as unfoldings tend to do when you aren’t ready for them yet. I believe there are going to be a lot of horrors rearing their ugly heads in the following months and years. Things so unbelievable that you and I may even pass them off as fake news. But this is part of the process. As we wake up, we shine a light on the dark shadows of the collective. We bring these shadows to the surface so we can bathe them in light and love, so they can be free.

So my intention for myself, and what I’m offering to you, is to stoke that fire within your heart so you can navigate through this time with confidence and find your own way towards liberation. Fear feeds The Matrix, but when you realize that by holding courage in your heart, nothing can happen to you, and when you remember that you are an infinite being and that even if your body dies, your soul does not - that is where you will find true freedom. That is where we will create a better Earth for ourselves, and for our children.

It’s time for the collective to escape The Matrix. Together.